- Finish my 4 point evaluation criteria of cloud computing products with the last requirement: Security.
- A case study of how I used google's web services to run my tutoring sideline business.
- Start exploring some pedagogical issues that I have run into in my teaching.
But that doesn't necessarily solve the problem of students who have been trained by a lifetime of public schools to just study for the test and avoid independent thought at all costs. Which as a math teacher and critical-thought-enthusiast frustrates the crap out of me! So my next thought is this: "Do we really want a society FULL of critical thinkers?" (After all somebody has to take out the garbage). And that leads me down a whole laundry list of questions:
- Should we be preparing EVERY student for a college degree?
- What makes a successful student?
- What makes a successful teacher?
- What makes a failing student?
- What makes a failing teacher?
- What is success?
- What is failure?
- Which set of students is better to teach: straight A students, C/D borderline students, F students?
- Does teaching need technology to prepare the future student? Or does technology need more pedagogy applied to it to adapt the machines to the way humans think, work and live?